Comedy For A Cause facilitate comedy shows for schools, clubs, charities and community groups across the US and Australia which feature some of the best comedians from Netflix, HBO and Comedy Central. So far our events have raised over $2,000,000 and left all our audiences in fits of laughter!

So how does it all work?
We provide everything for you – comedians, ticketing, lighting, sound, marketing materials, event management and expert advice (we let you in on how the best organisations fundraise) – then you and your team sell the tickets, which with our exceptional line ups and marketing advice, is a breeze.

Tickets are generally sold for $25-$40 (you can charge more if you wish) of which we charge $10, with a minimum fee of $1,000. There is no upfront cost. The shows can be All Ages and 100% appropriate for students, without substituting the exceptionally high standard of the show. We can also assist you in raising thousands in additional funds on the night, through things like raffles, auctions and sponsorship.

Our shows generally feature: a top-notch emcee (who is also an exceptionally strong comedian), 1-2 support acts and an internationally touring headliner. Run time is usually about 2 hours, plus an intermission, during which raffle/auction items can be sold.

These events are always an enormous success and appeal to a much broader audience than your typical dry and weary fundraisers like trivia nights.

(Please keep in mind, all of the details described here are flexible and can be tailored to meet your individual needs).

(Note: rates listed here apply to shows within a 45min drive of LA. Events outside this area may incur a small surcharge).

Minimum Numbers?

We don’t have a minimum number of ticket sales, however we charge $10 per ticket with a minimum fee of $1,000. This means if you sell over 100 tickets (which most of our shows do) at $30, you’ll pay only $10 per ticket and make $20 per ticket. Another way to look at it is, if you sell only 34 tickets at $30, you’ll cover the $1,000 – so there is very little risk. You are certainly welcome to charge whatever ticket price you like. Often shows will charge $50+ and you’ll still only pay $10 per ticket.


It is up to the Cause to source the venue, however, we may be able to provide some recommendations. The venue should be located in an area that is central for those most likely to attend the event. We basically need a functions room, that is closed off and separate from the rest of the venue and won’t be affected by outside noise (this includes noisy bar areas, poker machines, music playing in the adjacent room etc – nothing kills comedy faster than background noise). The venue will also need to be able to provide enough chairs to accommodate us.

Often venues will provide you with free venue hire, as they will make money from the bar. Alternatively, if the Cause has their own hall or clubhouse we could use, that is an option too. In fact, this may be advantageous, as you could likely raise additional funds selling food and drink.

We have our own stage, lighting and sound, so we can easily do shows in venues like school halls, club rooms etc. If the Cause own their own space, we’ll be happy to perform there! 


For over 30 pages of outstanding testimonials, please click here, but here is just a sample:

“What a fantastic night! We ended up with a total of $31,000. Absolutely amazing. We are all extremely happy” – Fisher Road Special Needs School.

“Comedy for a Cause has been a joy to work with – fun, entertaining and really well organised… Together we were able to raise over $17,000 on the night!!!” – The Hunger Project

“Awesome to deal with both in the lead up to the event and on the night. All the comedians were hilarious and really professionally run on the night. We raised over $12,000”. – Palm Beach SLSC

“Our club was blown away by the success of the comedy for a cause night. It was really easy to organise… We managed to raise almost $3500 for the night which was an incredible result”. – Aquinas OCFC (AFL).